How IVF Treatment Can Help You Achieve Your Fertility Goals

With more than 5,000 oocytes available for retrieval in any given woman at the time of natural ovulation, it’s no wonder that assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) are a primary avenue through which many couples are able to achieve their fertility goals. As such, it’s important to understand how ART can help you navigate your fertility journey toward parenthood. IVF Treatment Explained To start, let’s take a brief look at what in vitro fertilization (Best fertility hospital in Chennai) is and its possible applications. Essentially, IVF involves the extraction of eggs from an infertile female via hormonal stimulation, incubation with sperm in a petri dish under optimal conditions (e.g., low humidity, low temperatures), and re-insertion into the same female after being flushed out with antibiotics to prepare her body for pregnancy.

What are the main types of IVF Treatment?

There are two main types of IVF treatment: clinical and laboratory. Clinical IVF is the process where eggs are collected from the patient’s ovaries, fertilized with sperm, and then incubated in a lab. Once the embryos are mature enough to be implanted, the process is complete and the patient can continue her normal activities until the next cycle begins. In contrast, laboratory IVF (also known as “test-tube baby” or “test-conception”) is a type of IVF that uses a process where a woman’s eggs are fertilized with sperm outside the body. The fertilized eggs are then incubated in a lab under controlled conditions until they are mature enough to be implanted into the uterus. Clinical IVF is the most common type of IVF and is used when:

How is IVF and why is it used?

Given the high success rates of clinical IVF, the question arises as to why you would opt to undergo any (IVF treatment) at all. While the reasons may differ from couple to couple, here are a few that are most common: 1. You’re TTC despite the usual high level of fertility. You may have been trying to conceive for a long period of time, and despite taking the best precautions, you’ve yet to become pregnant. Maybe there’s a medical reason for your infertility, or maybe you’re simply waiting for the stars to align before you can celebrate! Regardless, you might want to explore IVF as an option in order to boost your chances of success. 2. You want to increase your chances of pregnancy. You may have one child who would love to have a sibling and are open to having more kids in the future. Maybe you’ve been on the fence about adoption, but now you’re more comfortable with the idea of raising a child in your home. IVF could be a great option for you as it increases the success rate of pregnancy.

How does IVF and why is it used?

Before we get into the nitty-gritty of the process, it’s important to understand the stages of infertility and the conditions that may necessitate the use of ART. - Primary infertility: When trying to conceive naturally, fewer than 25% of couples are successful within a year. - Female factor: This occurs when the female reproductive system stops producing eggs, resulting in infertility. - Male factor: This occurs when there is a problem with the male reproductive system, such as an issue with sperm production.

Pros and Cons of In Vitro Fertilization

As with any medical treatment, there are some clear strengths and weaknesses of IVF. Here are some of the advantages: - High success rate: It’s no surprise that one of the main strengths of IVF is that it’s so successful. Of all the ARTs out there, IVF is the only one that’s almost guaranteed to result in pregnancy. - Multiple chances: Since IVF can be technically done multiple times, it allows couples to take a more relaxed approach to trying to conceive. For example, some research has shown that women who have undergone one cycle of IVF are five times more likely to conceive on their own compared to women who haven’t done IVF at all! - Less invasive: Because the treatment involves no surgical procedures, such as uterine punctures, IVF is generally a much less invasive process compared to other treatments, such as surgery or endometrial stripping.

Should You Have a Partner Provide Support During IVF Treatment?

Yes! Studies have shown that couples who have one partner provide support to another while undergoing artificial reproductive treatment (ART) are more likely to succeed compared to those who have both members of the couple undergoing treatment on their own. This is likely due to the fact that as a partner in the process, you help your partner stay motivated, provide emotional support, and manage financial resources more effectively. As an example, if your partner decides to undergo the cycle after you, you may want to consider helping to support her financially by giving her an allowance or helping with household expenses such as groceries, gas, or utilities. You may also want to support her emotionally by joining her in doing things (such as spending time with her or participating in her treatment), being supportive of her emotional needs, and helping her find ways to stay motivated (such as researching new treatments, participating in challenges, or taking online courses).


Now that you’ve had a brief look at how (IVF treatment in Chennai) works and the key advantages and disadvantages of the treatment, you’re hopefully better equipped to make an informed decision about whether or not to pursue ART. Given the high success rates associated with the treatment, and the potential benefits that come with it, it’s likely that IVF will be a part of your fertility journey at some point.


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