How Does IVF Help Couples in India Who Have Fertility Problems?

People frequently have a propensity to place a higher value on activities that can be completed in a shorter amount of time in this age of instant gratification. This is where services like in-vitro fertilization (IVF) and assisted reproduction come in. IVF is frequently viewed as an easier option than other methods of family planning, which necessitate a long-term commitment and more intimate interactions. However, this comes with its fair share of difficulties. It is for this very reason that many couples like to consider elective choices when confronted with richness issues such there are a few justifications for why a few couples will be unable to imagine normally or make progress with conventional fruitfulness medicines like egg gift or incipient organism reception. These include issues with the male factor, age, previous surgeries, and any genetic predispositions toward delayed sperm production or embryo-specific chromosomal abnormalities. Today, we will examine these difficulties from the perspective of each couple and their best strategies for overcoming them.

Male Factor Issues

The issues that arise when both partners are of the same gender include the Best fertility hospital in Chennai. In order for an egg to be fertilized, the sperm must be normal. Neither the woman's eggs nor the man himself can produce offspring if his sperm are abnormal. The sperm may also be affected if a woman experiences an issue with her eggs. A man may occasionally have a low sperm count, difficulty moving, or difficulty getting through the cervical mucous membrane. Most of the time, this is caused by a problem in the genes. However, previous sexually transmitted infections can also result in a low sperm count.

Age If you started trying to conceive around the age of 35, your age may have been a major factor in your fertility problems. More than half of all couples who have been trying to conceive for more than a year have not given birth. Either the ovaries, which are in charge of producing eggs, or the fallopian tube itself could be to blame for this. You are not too old to conceive, despite the fact that the issue is related to your age. You can still have a child through assisted reproduction services like IVF as long as you are healthy and your partner has a normal sperm count.

Problems with the chromosomes

This is a rare condition in which an embryo has an abnormal number of chromosomes. The structures that carry genetic information in the cell's nucleus are called chromosomes. There are 23 pairs of chromosomes in an embryo that is created in the laboratory. The sex chromosomes, which are two of these, determine whether the baby is a boy or a girl. Twenty-three of the remaining ones are autosomes and are in charge of character formation. The likelihood of a successful pregnancy is also reduced if there are any chromosome count issues. Even when it was demonstrated that they had a poor prognosis, some couples were hesitant to opt for IVF (
IVF treatment) in the past. This is due to the fact that they were unable to accept their inability to conceive. However, pre-implantation genetic diagnosis has made it possible to determine the DNA count of an embryo by examining its cell count. The procedure is stopped and the embryos are discarded if the count falls below the couple's threshold. The couple is aware that they are not attempting to conceive a child with a genetic abnormality.

Problems with the hormones

This applies to both partners. Hormone production, which is necessary for the reproductive process, may be impaired in one or both partners. This can be brought on by previous medical treatments, genetic predispositions, persistent infections, stress, or any other factor. If a person has hormone imbalances, they may not be able to conceive or have too much hormone in their urine, making it hard to get a sperm count.

Catch-22: Are you too young or old?

This one is quite complicated and applies to couples who are both over 45 years old and younger than 35. The laboratory-created embryo has a specific age. There is a very low chance of a successful pregnancy if the age is below the ideal threshold, which is approximately 23 days. This is due to the fact that the womb is relatively quiet and the egg has not yet matured. It is likely that the woman's eggs are no longer viable enough to produce a child if a couple chooses this treatment when they are both over the age of 35. On the other hand, there is a good chance that the woman's eggs will be viable if both partners are younger than 45 years old. However, even if they are able to successfully conceive, there is still a possibility that the infant will die while still in the womb.


IVF (IVF treatment in Chennai) is a lengthy procedure that can be costly and time-consuming because it requires multiple procedures. If you are having trouble conceiving and want to try different approaches, you need to be ready for the long and difficult process. The good news is that technology is evolving rapidly, which means that in the future, you will have more options. Furthermore, couples who are unlikely to conceive naturally have the best chance of success with IVF. If you have been trying to conceive for more than a year without success, it is best to see a fertility specialist. With cutting edge methods and new strategies being created, IVF will keep on being a suitable choice for a long time to come.


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