The Top 5 Most Common Fertility and IVF: The Most Common Misconceptions
Once you know that you want to have a baby, the next step is determining how to proceed. To help you figure out the best path forward, it’s important to understand some of the most common misconceptions about fertility and in vitro fertilization (IVF). The first step toward getting your family is figuring out whether or not you can conceive naturally. Many couples start their journey to parenthood by exploring other options first, such as consulting with doctors and learning about treatments for infertility. However, if after several months of trying to get pregnant you still don’t have any success or have concerns about pursuing a non-automated IVF route, it might be time to move on to other methods.
What is IVF?
IVF stands for in vitro fertilization. Best fertility hospital in Chennai is a process in which eggs are retrieved from the ovaries, fertilized by sperm outside of the body, and then transferred back into the woman’s body. This results in the development of embryos, which are then transferred back into the woman’s uterus. Many fertility treatments are variations of IVF.
What is surrogacy?
Surrogacy is when one person, often the woman’s spouse, steps in to help a couple have a baby. A surrogate is someone who is genetically unrelated to the child, but who connects with them in a very special way. Surrogates can be paid or altruistic. There are a few different types of surrogacy, including gestational surrogacy, which involves carrying a baby for someone else; and financial surrogacy, which involves carrying a baby for money.
Don’t use ovulation predictors
Frequent ovulation is a big reason why many women struggle with getting pregnant on their own. You may have read that you can predict ovulation with ovulation predictors, like daily temperature charts, or by tracking cervical secretions. This is false. Having one of these tools in your arsenal does not make you any more likely to get pregnant. In fact, if you are trying to get pregnant, it may actually decrease your chances of success because it can be distracting and cause anxiety. There is nothing to be gained from obsessing over getting your body to ovulate. All that does is increase your chances of being stressed out and lowering your chances of getting pregnant. It may seem like a good idea to try to predict your body’s ovulation, but in the end, it’s a waste of time.
Don’t use sex when trying to get pregnant
You may have read that you need to have intercourse every day to increase your chances of getting pregnant. This is false, too. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that the best way to increase your chances of getting pregnant is to have a healthy diet, exercise regularly, and have sex regularly.
Tips for a Successful IVF Cycle
Pre-seed: This is when a sperm and egg are put together before an actual embryo is created. Pre-seeding can help if you have low sperm count or poor sperm health, or if you have a condition that makes it hard to get pregnant. - Make a chart: You may have heard that women who chart their fertility signs have a higher success rate with pregnancy. This is not true. Charting is a distraction and will only cause you to become frustrated. There are many other ways to track your fertility signs that are less invasive, and more useful for your journey to parenthood. - Keep track of medications: Don’t forget to keep track of your medications, which can change during IVF. If you forget to take something, it could delay your treatment. - Take medications at the same time every day: This is very important. If you take your medication at different times, you could delay the medication from reaching your eggs or cause an adverse reaction. - Maintain a healthy diet: Many women struggle with poor nutrition, particularly before their cycle. Start a healthy meal plan, and maintain it throughout your cycle. This will help you stay hydrated, and eat enough to maintain a healthy weight. - Try to get 7-8 hours of sleep: Getting enough sleep can make a huge difference in your health, and it will make a difference in your cycle, too. - Get a medical evaluation: Before you begin your treatment cycle, make sure you have a complete medical evaluation, including blood tests to ensure your hormone levels are normal. - Consider all treatments: If you are considering all treatments, you will want to make sure you have enough money saved up to cover the costs.
Ivf treatment in Chennai what your reasons are for pursuing fertility treatments, it can be a confusing and difficult process. Understanding some of the most common misconceptions about fertility and IVF will help you make the best decision for your situation. And by staying healthy and following a healthy diet, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant with relative ease. The first step toward getting your family is figuring out whether or not you can conceive naturally. Many couples start their journey to parenthood by exploring other options first, such as consulting with doctors and learning about treatments for infertility. However, if after several months of trying to get pregnant you still don’t have any success or have concerns about pursuing a non-automated IVF route, it might be time to move on to other methods.
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