Fertility and IVF: What You Need to Know Before You Begin

The ability to have a child is something that all couples want. Fertility issues, however, can pose significant challenges for some couples. Many couples turn to assisted reproductive technologies (ART) in order to become parents. However, doing so requires knowledge and an understanding of what’s involved with these procedures. This article explores the current state of artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization and other fertility treatments so that you can make an informed decision as to whether they’re right for you and your partner.

What is artificial insemination?

Artificial insemination is a procedure in which an individual’s sperm is put directly into the uterus of another woman to potentially create a pregnancy. In order to get artificial insemination, you’ll need to first have a doctor perform a vaginal exam to make sure that your cervical opening is wide enough to accept the sperm being used. Then, you’ll need to have a syringe (with the doctor’s help) filled with the person’s sperm and inserted into your vagina. You’ll then need to lie on your back with your legs spread open so that the doctor can place the syringe’s tip against your cervix and squirt the sperm inside. Artificial insemination is often used for infertile women who want to become pregnant through their own bodies.

What is IVF?

In vitro fertilization, or Best fertility hospital in Chennai , is a fertility treatment used to create an embryo and then transfer it into a woman’s uterus to attempt to create a pregnancy. Although IVF is the most common method used to treat infertility, it’s actually a branch of fertility treatments that make up only one part of the process of trying to become pregnant. The treatment actually involves steps that occur in a laboratory setting and are then performed on a woman’s body, such as creating an unfertilized egg and fertilizing it with sperm. This fertilized egg is then put into the woman’s uterus. In order to have IVF, a couple will need to first have a medical examination to make sure that they’re healthy enough to undergo this treatment. Doctors will likely also want to know what medications you’re currently taking and which ones you’d like to use during your treatment.

What is embryo donation for?

Embryo donation is a procedure in which one partner’s eggs are fertilized with the other partner’s sperm and then placed in the uterus of a childless woman. The childless woman can then choose to keep the donated embryo or have it removed and have it used for another couple’s treatment. If you want to use this procedure to conceive a child, it’s best to start as early as possible in your trying to get pregnant period. The earlier you start trying, the more likely you are to be successful. If you want to use this technique to help another couple get pregnant, you should first explain the procedure to your partner. If the two of you want to share the pregnancy with another couple, you should also discuss this with your partner to make sure that they’re OK with the idea. 

How does gamete intrafallopian transfer work?

Intrafallopian transfer is a method fertility doctors use to attempt to get a woman pregnant. During intrafallopian transfer, a woman’s eggs are removed via surgery and then placed into the fallopian tube of a different woman. This different woman does not currently have any eggs of her own, so the woman receiving the eggs does not have to worry about conceiving from her own eggs. The woman who removed the eggs can then have hormonal stimulation to help her ovaries respond and create multiple eggs so that she has enough to transfer to the other woman. Intrafallopian transfer is often used in cases of women who have had cancer treatment that has rendered their ovaries unable to produce eggs. In cases like these, the doctor will likely recommend that the woman have assisted reproductive treatments (ART) such as IVF so that she can have a child one day. Other times, women undergo intrafallopian transfer because they’re trying to have a child through adoption but have trouble conceiving. Intrafallopian transfer is often used in cases of gestational surrogacy, in which a woman who is not carrying a child gets her eggs removed and then has a doctor put them into the uterus of a woman who is carrying a child for another couple.

How does egg freezing work?

Egg freezing is a fertility treatment in which a woman’s eggs are removed and then frozen. The Ivf treatment in Chennai woman can then choose to have her eggs unfrozen and used for IVF treatment at a later date. Some couples also use egg freezing in order to try to have a child through adoption. Once a couple is done using egg freezing to try to conceive a child, the woman can choose to have her eggs unfrozen and used for another treatment. Egg freezing is often used in cases where a woman has cancer or has had a condition that has rendered her ovaries unable to produce eggs. In these cases, the woman can have her eggs frozen so that she can have them unfrozen and used at a later time. Egg freezing is also often used in cases where a woman is not ready to have a child but is open to adopting one.

Conception with a partner through surrogacy or gestational surrogacy

Some couples decide to use ART in order to try to conceive a child with a partner. This can be done through a process called surrogacy or assisted reproductive technology (ART). Through surrogacy, one partner (often called the surrogate) carries the child to term for the other partner, and it’s the surrogate’s child. The surrogate is usually not the child’s genetic parent, so it’s a less traditional way of conceiving a child than using a sperm donor or using an egg donor. Conception through surrogacy is often done in cases where the woman has had a hard time conceiving with her partner but is OK with conceiving a child with another man or woman. The woman may also be interested in conceiving with a man, but he has a religious objection to donor conception.


Becoming a parent is something that all couples desire. However, issues with fertility can make it difficult to conceive. Artificial insemination, IVF and other treatments can help you conceive. However, it’s important to understand what’s involved with these procedures so that you can make the best decision for your family.


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