7 Things Your Doctor Needs To Know before Fertility Treatment

If you’re reading this, chances are good that you’ve considered trying to get pregnant. After all, it’s something we all want: a child of our own. With the growing number of people in their 20s having difficulty getting married and starting families, more people than ever are turning to assisted reproductive technologies (ART) such as In vitro fertilization (IVF) or intra cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). These procedures help couples who have difficulty having children by either bypassing problems they have in their natural cycle (such as an uninterested partner or difficult ovulation) or adding a new dimension to the process with artificial stimulation. The first thing is to determine why you aren’t having success. There are many reasons why women don’t become pregnant or may have trouble doing so after going through ART. You should consult your doctor before you begin treatment. 

You’ve been trying for a long time without success.

When trying to get pregnant, it’s important to keep track of your cycles. If you’ve been trying for six months or more and have yet to get pregnant, you should talk to your doctor about why this may be happening. This could be due to a problem with your cycle or you may be approaching the problem from the wrong angle. If you’re approaching this from the wrong angle, it could be due to stress or a medical issue. While it’s unlikely to be the reason for your long-term infertility, if you’re getting stressed out about trying to get pregnant, it could be affecting your body in a way that makes it difficult or impossible for you to conceive. When you approach problems from the wrong angle, it doesn’t get solved, it just gets fixed in a way that makes it more difficult to deal with in the future.

Unexplained infertility symptoms.

Many women experience unexplained infertility related to underlying health issues. Because
Best fertility hospital in chennai both women and men have health issues that can affect fertility, you may have a hard time conceiving regardless of your efforts. An underlying illness, a previous surgery that may have affected your fertility, or certain medications can all inhibit fertility. If you have unexplained infertility related to health issues, it’s important to discuss these issues with your doctor. He or she may be able to help you determine whether the cause is a health issue or if there is something else you can do to improve your chances of conceiving a child. If your infertility is related to an underlying health issue, it’s also important to consider long-term health issues for yourself and your future children. For example, some conditions that can cause infertility include heart disease, kidney disease, and certain types of cancers. If you need to have surgery or take medications that affect your fertility, it’s important to factor these issues into your decision making.

You experience unexplained infertility symptoms.

If you’ve been trying for a while without success, it may be worth looking into causes of unexplained infertility related to your sexual or health history. Certain medications, poor eating habits, or a medical condition that affects your sexual health may affect your ability to conceive. If you are having difficulty getting pregnant, a visit to your doctor is a good idea. She can help you determine the cause of your problems and may be able to help you avoid these issues in the future. If you experience unexplained infertility related to your sexual health, you may want to consider seeing a doctor who specializes in treating sexual health issues. There are times when a doctor specializing in treating infertility can be helpful in helping you to determine why you are experiencing infertility.

You’re a male and you’ve had fertility issues.

If you’re a male, it’s important that you get tested for certain conditions that could affect your fertility. A genetic disorder or a condition such as testicular cancer can cause a male to have decreased fertility as well as affect sperm quality. If you have issues with your fertility as a male, they may be difficult to overcome with assisted reproductive technologies, in vitro fertilization being the most advanced of these therapies. However, it may be possible to have a child using gamete donation or traditional methods of surrogacy.

You have an inherited condition or genetic disorder that impedes reproduction.

Some genetic disorders cause a person to be infertile from the start. These include XY or male factor infertility, congenital anomalies (such as structural defects, Turner syndrome, or Noonan syndrome), and mitochondrial dysfunction. There may also be times when your physician can help you overcome your infertility and help you have a child. A medical condition that causes infertility and affects your ability to conceive can often be treated with medications or surgery.

You have advanced maternal age and in vitro fertilization is not an option for you.

If you’re a woman over 35 years of age, Ivf treatment in Chennai is a chance that in vitro fertilization may not be an option for you. Fertility issues can develop with advancing maternal age, and there’s currently no reliable way to tell if a woman will have fertility issues as she gets older. If this is the case, you may want to consider adoption.


Once you’ve determined why you aren’t having any success, you can approach it from a different angle. The key is to not give up, to understand that each attempt can be a step towards bringing a child into your life. If you need help getting your fertility issues resolved, don’t hesitate to consult your doctor. He can help you determine what is causing your problems and may be able to help you overcome them.


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